
From jellyfish to coral reefs to the rarest whale in the Gulf of Mexico:

A Radical Rescue for Caribbean Reefs, Nautilus

A Wild Idea to Protect the Great Barrier Reef, Nautilus

What if Texas Kids Got Spring Vacation Instead of SummerTexas Monthly

Whale Sharks Near Texas? A Rare Sighting Thrills Anglers and Scientists, Texas Monthly

Efforts to Bring Back the Caribbean Reef Shark May Become a Conservation Success Story, Smithsonian Magazine

Out of the Deep Blue Beyond, Smithsonian Magazine (print version)

One of the World’s Rarest Whales Swims off the Texas Coast. Only Fifty Are Left, Texas Monthly

Texas' Biggest Coastal Wildlife Rescue Center Is Now Open in Corpus Christi, Texas Monthly

The Algae that Might Save the Earth's Coral Reefs, Nautilus

The Mystery of the Healthy Coral Reef, Nautilus (including a great get-the-backstory interview)

The Corals and the Capitalist, The American Scholar (cover story)

Aquatic Life and its Parallels, Science

Coral Restoration Goes Big, Nautilus

On the Persistence of Plastics, Society for Environmental Journalism Online

Reporting Ocean Stories Is Key to Blue Literacy, Planetary Health, Covering Climate Solutions, Oceans for the Society of Environmental Journalism

Jellyfish in the Gulf Are as Mysterious as They Are Painful, Texas Monthly (Published in print in June 2022 as "The Slippery Secrets of Jellyfish")

Five Texas Jellyfish—and Relatives—to Know, Texas Monthly 

Financing a Healthy Future for Coral Reefs, The Wall Street Journal

Why We Should All Care About Saving Coral Reefs, excerpt of LIFE ON THE ROCKS in Literary Hub

The Web of Life: Classic evolutionary theory holds that species separate over time. But it's fuzzier than that. Now we know they also merge, AEON

Ecosystem Rescue: Big Interventions Could Redeem the Largest Biological Structure on Earth , Popular Science (print version only)

Behind the Fight to Save the Gulf’s Spectacular Coral ReefsTexas Monthly (cover story)

The Bleaching in My Backyard, The Revelator

The Great Barrier Reef's Great Big Complicated Story, AFAR

One overlooked way to fight climate change? Dispose of old CFCs, National Geographic

How her passion for jellyfish led one woman to self-empowerment and a bid to save the planet, The Guardian

Beautiful, Toxic, and Maybe Healing: The Search for Cures From Jellyfish, Undark

How Jellyfish Helped A Marine Biologist Find Her Calling, Science Friday

The Immortal Jellyfish, Discover Magazine

Looking at Life through the Two Dozen Eyes of a Jellyfish, Literary Hub

What Jellyfish Know that Humans Don't,

Oft-Overlooked Jellyfisheries are too Big to Ignore, Hakai

Weird's Worth, Slate

How a Sea Anemone Can Help Us Hear, Proto

Like Deadpool, This Jellyfish Has Amazing Superpowers, National Geographic

Suez Expansion: Effects Unknown, Nature

Under the Ships in the Suez Canal, The New York Times

Let's Attack Mars, The Huffington Post

Reporting from the Front Lines of the Texas Evolution Debate,

3 Degrees of Japan's Seas, National Geographic

IBM Puts Supercomputer in Jeopardy, Inside Science News Service